
Historical Hazards

Floods are a recurring natural hazard in Guinea-Bissau, especially along its coast. Drought is a recurring natural disaster in Guinea-Bissau and has experienced some devastating droughts in the recent past. Heavier rainfall events in the future along with higher tides from rising sea level will continue to impact the coast. Sea level rise continues to affect Guinea-Bissau’s coastal region and is a serious threat to 70% of the population who reside along the coast. Increased salinization from the ocean has harmed rice production, caused coastal erosion, and inundated coastal aquifers. Increased temperatures and humidity will increase malaria transmission, flooding will incite the spread of waterborne diseases, drought will escalate the risk of meningitis which can cause the emergence of infections and epidemics, and increased temperatures will worsen air pollution and increase the threat of acute respiratory illnesses. Heavy rainfall events occur often in the country and causes flooding that have severe impacts on infrastructure, agriculture, and public health.

This section provides a summary of key natural hazards and their associated socioeconomic impacts in a given country. And it allows quick evaluation of most vulnerable areas through the spatial comparison of natural hazard data with development data, thereby identifying exposed livelihoods and natural systems.

Natural Hazard Statistics

The charts provide overview of the most frequent natural disaster in a given country and understand the impacts of those disasters on human populations.


Climate change is now recognized to have a significant impact on disaster management efforts and pose a significant threat to the efforts to meet the growing needs of the most vulnerable populations. The demands of disaster risk management are such that concise, clear, and reliable information is crucial. The information presented here offers insight into the frequency, impact and occurrence of natural hazards.